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gilli Dec 11, 2014
@kseistrup @mfreitas @lxoliva @myleneb I was thrilled as I read this post on reddit so I joined the same day.
gilli Dec 11, 2014
Link to article.
gilli Dec 11, 2014
#ethereum could be the long awaited #NSAFree counterpart to US based internet corporations. Mostly driven by european innovation.
gilli Dec 11, 2014
"Soon, the internet will be impossible to control" - @Telegraph about @ethereum. Very optimistic, but nevertheless a good article.
gilli Dec 09, 2014
The #HIV Virus is adpating/evolving. The capabilities of causing #AIDS is actually declining. #evolution
gilli Dec 09, 2014
@kseistrup Yes, I agree. Anyway, a single guy with a decent GPU is probably able to take over twisters blockchain. ☹
gilli Dec 09, 2014
I mnged to generate 9 #blocks within last 24h at 57kH/s. Hence, this network is way too weak. For the sake of twisters future: #advertise.