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communion May 31, 2016
One file, one application. Lol.
communion May 29, 2016
@beliashou Aptitude is oldschool. :) Okay, let's use apt.
communion May 23, 2016
communion May 21, 2016
Another system with live-iso installer appeared to be not so user-friendly after post-installation reboot. :)
communion May 21, 2016
Minus one Windows "privacy nightmare" 10, one more to go.
communion May 20, 2016
@myleneb @tasty In Russian the words "onion" and "bow" sounds the same - it's "лук". So, it's something or someone with a bow and eggs.
communion May 20, 2016
@tasty Originally that's a sort of word play: "S lukom, s yaitsami, no ne #pirozhki".
communion May 20, 2016
@tasty U know why?
communion May 20, 2016
@tasty Dats a Robin Hood one.
communion May 19, 2016
communion May 18, 2016
@myleneb You seem to be pretty active twisterian. :) So, what's going on here?
communion May 15, 2016
Hello, Twister.