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luissoeiro Jan 03, 2016
@kseistrup @fredix @clv_io @meidan So which one looks more promissing (as in "your friends could use it too"): #morphis or #teapotnet?
adamthephantump Sep 26, 2015
@erkan_yilmaz i haven't tried #morphis. it'd be cool to have a public morphis server.
luissoeiro Aug 31, 2015
A quick question: will #Morphis still make sense when #twister gains large posts and attachments (magnet-like)?
luissoeiro Aug 16, 2015
I'm reading it's docs, but I wonder how (if) they have solved the "sharing storage" problem. #morphis
luissoeiro Aug 15, 2015
Any thoughts on #morphis, twistersphere?